Wednesday, April 4, 2012

M&M Parts of Speech Bingo

I wanted to play an interactive game, so I adapted the cute ideas shared on the blog ingles360.  

Send me an email if you'd like a copy of the word document (I have 3 documents with 4 cards in each that are all different).

Here's how I plan on playing:

We're going to practice identifying the 6 parts of speech by color together:
I printed her poster (20 x 30 worked well) and pasted a reference guide for each student to have at the top of their bingo card.  We'll use sentence strips in matching colors with prewritten words to try out a few sentences.  

When most can identify the word in the sentence (and by identifying that part of speech) when I've called out a color, we'll move on to writing sentences using her super-cute coded strips and practice sheets.

Finally...   we'll play!   I'm envisioning posting a sentence and calling on a student to identify something (e.g., what part of speech is the word boy in this sentence?  If correct, everyone can place an M&M on that part of speech; or, which word is an adverb in this sentence? etc.)

I'll let you know how it goes  =)    Feel free to download and use the Bingo cards any way you'd like - and please share if you do, or find any way to add more fun!

  HINT:  to make a variety of cards I cut a row and pasted it in a different spot, then a column, etc.  Quick!


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  2. Love this PLEASE send me a copy

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